The Best Online Geology Platform
Our passion is committed to building the most influential professional geology and mining community in the world, and building your future.
Our values are geologist first, cooperation and sharing, integrity, and dedication.
Henan Forui Machinery Technology Co., Ltd
Henan Forui Machinery Technology Co., Ltd(formerly Gongyi Forui Machinery Factory) is the owner of the GeologyHere platform. It is founded in 1986. It’s one of the leading suppliers of beneficiation processes and equipment in Asia.

Asa Guo
✔ A Co-founder and investor of GeologyHere, which is committed to building the most influential professional geology and mining community in the world.
✔ A Director at Henan Forui Machinery Technology Co., Ltd(formerly Gongyi Forui Machinery Factory), which was founded in 1986.
✔ An Admin of Geology of the World and the Environment, which is also a Facebook page with 200,000+ fans.
✔ A Senior Software Engineer.
✔ An ex-soldier of PLA, and a running enthusiast.

The history of Geology Here goes back to February 2012 when Benhadja Mohammed created the "World Geology and Environment" page.

Everything changed in 2014, Benhadja Mohammed met Mr. Miltos Andres whom Benhadja Mohammed had appointed as Admin of the page. He was very diligent, punctual, and serious in what he did. He regaled us every week with very informative posts on structural geology and geomorphology.
Within a year, with Miltos' contribution, the page had reached two thousand subscribers. It's really exciting, and Benhadja Mohammed decided to post every day. Then, in just three months, the page had reached 20,000 subscribers.
Later Benhadja Mohammed found the name is a bit long, he ended up changing it to 'Geology Here'.

In April 2016, Benhadja Mohammed created another page dedicated to the Geology Of Area and he gave it the old name 'Geology Of The World And Environment'.
The year 2016 was very productive and Benhadja Mohammed's work had brought fruits, the community of 'Geology Here' had reached 100,000 subscribers, and that of 'Geology Of The World And Environment' 66,000 subscribers.
One day, Benhadja Mohammed was going to participate in a contest, but unfortunately, there was a problem, and 'Geology Here' page was closed by Facebook. Instead of giving up, he dedicated himself to the development of the second page.
The blow after 'Geology Here' was closed was hard, but Benhadja Mohammed's will was stronger, and 'Geology Here' was reborn again.

From 2017 to 2018, Yasmine, who is Benhadja Mohammed's best friend, started to help him. In August 2018, it was planned that Benhadja Mohammed establishes a professional website in collaboration with an Egyptian friend, but due to some problems that the sponsor encountered, this website could not see the light of day.
In 2021, we decided to make much more professional work.

The biggest step of 'Geology Here' development was with the arrival of Mr. Asa Guo, a Director at Forui Machinery.
Henan Forui Machinery Technology Co., Ltd (formerly Gongyi Forui Machinery Factory) is one of the owners of the GeologyHere platform. It is founded in 1986. It's one of the leading suppliers of beneficiation process and equipments in Asia.
The hardest thing in this world is to write an introduction for a wonderful person named Asa Guo, he is simply a very respectable person, persistent, humble, smart, and ambitious, always working hard all the time, also smiling at everyone. The strange thing about Asa Guo is that he can know what others want.
Therefore, with his experience in mineral processing and software development industries, as well as outstanding leadership capabilities, he helped us create this online community in the name of 'Geology Here'.

'Geology Here' platform is exactly all professionals in the geological and mining industry want.
In the geological and mining industry, students need the best knowledge, graduates need ideal jobs, teachers need the best educational environment. In addition, entrepreneurs need the best team, the high-quality equipment, the perfect solution, and so on.
On 'Geology Here' platform, you will find all of them.
Because our passion is committed to building the most influential professional geology and mining community in the world and building your future.
Because our values are geologist first, cooperation and sharing, integrity, and dedication.
Because GeologyHere Time has come...
Global reach, Value everyone
It’s a community of content, a community of value, a community that creates your future.
Total members
Annual value

Any Time
Any Where
Any Device
We're here
to help
Join us, we will give you more value in the geological and mining industry.